Monday, August 2, 2010

Found a Pain Compex Doesn’t Resolve :-(

I am sad today because I have finally discovered that Compex can’t remove all of my pain. My piriformis pain: check, Compex removes. My ITB pain: check, Compex removes. My rotator cuff pain: check, Compex removes. My arthritis pain: sadly, Compex can’t do anything about. Now of course, I didn’t really expect Compex to be able to resolve joint pain but I had been so successful with everything else, I decided to give it a try.

Some history, I have had arthritis since I was 5 so I’m pretty used to managing it and usually it doesn’t impact what I can do. One thing that really helps is to keep active, stay in shape, and build strong muscles to support my joints and take the strain off of them. I don’t have to take any medicine except occasionally some Tylenol so I’m in much better shape than most people with arthritis.

Unfortunately, I have some things going on in my personal life right now that really threw me off last week. I wasn’t eating or sleeping well and I really couldn’t get motivated to get out and train as often as I should or usually do. The result is that by last night I was exhausted and really ready to sleep. However, the arthritis in my left wrist and elbow hurt so badly that I couldn’t fall asleep. This is the first time that I’ve had this happen since I received my Compex Sport Elite so rather than take Tylenol, I decided to try the massage program on my wrist and elbow. I put pads on both joints as well as on the muscle closest to the joint. It felt good as I was doing it (although watching my fingers twitch was interesting): however, when I finished, I still had the pain.

Not too surprising really. I know that Compex is designed for muscles, not joints. But I’ve been so happy with Compex and how well it’s worked every time I’ve tried it for every pain that I’ve had, I thought it might work for the arthritis also. In the end, I turned to my faithful Tylenol and managed to fall asleep. Still a little sore this morning but I’m sure it’ll pass and today’s ride will help it go away completely. In the meantime, I’m running the Compex endurance program on my traps while I work this morning and I know that is an area in which Compex will be successful!

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